Everyone wants to get maximum results with the least effort so that there is enough time left over to enjoy life to its fullest. To help us achieve this there is umpteen software that helps us to get more work done in less time and release us from the drudgery of repetitive work and keep track of our life. Here are the pick of top 5 productivity Apps of ios 13
Top 5 Productivity Apps For iPhone | Editor’s Pick
- ToDoIst
This app helps you to get control of your life so that you bring discipline and order to your lifestyle. To start with jot down all your tasks and leave it to the intelligent software to do the rest. The intelligent software will interpret and put your tasks in order guided by your entries. e.g. if you create a task- talk to a junior tomorrow at 10 am # meetings, the Todoist will effortlessly schedule a reminder for 10 am tomorrow and file the task into the meeting section. This app can be extended to plan projects, discuss project details, delegate tasks, etc.
- OmniFocus
This product is considered to be the most robust and full-featured productivity apps. This powerful task management service is designed to help users efficiently manage, organize and delegate tasks and projects. For one, managers and team members can view their progress in a variety of ways through the Perspectives function. With OmniFocus, breaking down projects to more manageable portions is an easy task either sequentially-i.e one after another or in a parallel manner- i.e. without any particular order
- Forest App
An app that helps you to shut off digital distractions and stay focused on the work at hand. In this gamified version of concentrating on your task, you earn credits for not using your cell phones. You plant a seed and watch it grow into a tree when you stay on your task, but the moment you leave the app to check WhatsApp or check twitter the plant dies and you start all over again. Managing time becomes interesting with an incentive to plant a real tree with the credits you earn.
- Slack
Slack makes collaboration a cakewalk. Though e-mail has its uses, sometimes messages get buried in the mountain of other emails. Slack app on the other hand neatly categorizes all communications which are easily accessible. Different channels can be created for different projects, departments or clients. Moreover, only those who are relevant to a task need to join the conversation, and those not involved will not get a notification. Slack can also be used for video chats, to send gifs and show documents.
- Trello
Trello is a very useful project management app. Big projects can be broken into small chunks called cards. These cards can be arranged in different columns representing different phases of a project. It can also be used to trace the progress of a project. It can be used to organize any activity- official or personal that requires collaboration. Formulate an idea, use the cards and go into action. You can see at a glance who is doing what and what more needs to be done.
Use efficient shortcuts and find time to engage with life.
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